We’re excited to announce a special milestone for our Orchards Community youth! Youth ages 12 to 17 can now get their membership cards, giving them access to the Club House and all our amenities. To celebrate, we’re offering a Youth Orientation and a special gift. Each youth can bring two guests to enjoy a wide range of activities, including tennis, pickleball, ball hockey, basketball, video games, ping pong, badminton, volleyball, and more. We provide all the equipment you’ll need, and our lively park is open for everyone to enjoy.
We’ll also be happy to give a tour and present the gift to any youth aged 12 to 17 throughout the spring and summer.
Visit the Club House anytime between 9 AM and 9 PM to get your gift, orientation, and tour. If you have any questions or want to ensure your account is up to date, feel free to call us at 587-525-9640 or email Ambassador@orchardsra.ca.